For exchanges:
Please use your Exchange form provided with your purchase. If you have not received it then please use this form.
1. Include your name and order number and what you would like to exchange to.
2. Return your item to us using a courier with tracking so we can both confirm the parcel's delivery. The product must be in its original condition, clean, and with tags attached.
3. Once we have received your parcel, we will email you an invoice to pay the exchange handling fee of $7.90. If you are exchanging the item for one of a higher value, we will invoice you to pay the difference. If the exchanged item is of a lower value we will refund you the amount owed. Please keep an eye on your email for updates.
For Returns:
Follow the same steps as above. Once we have received the product, we will refund you. This may take 2-3 days to process.
It is your responsibility to monitor the tracking of your parcel. Parcels sent via NZ Post typically reach us within 7 days. If you haven't heard from us within 8 days, please track your parcel and contact us. Do not delay beyond 8 days, as it may be difficult to locate your lost parcel.
You are also welcome to come to our shop and exchange or return your product.
Please send to:
Sheepskin Warehouse
32 Tauhinu Road
PO BOX 15173
IMPORTANT: If sending via NZ Post please ensure that you include our PO BOX when sending your parcel. Packages without the PO BOX number will be returned back to the sender!
NZ Post parcels take 7 days to get to us.